Wednesday, August 3, 2011

127 Corridor World's Longest Yard Sale Starts Tomorrow 8-4-11

     Just a reminder that tomorrow is the start of the 127 Corridor Sale.  It is touted as the world's longest yard sale and will start of Thursday August 4, 2011.  127 Corridor Sale.  This long yard sale runs through Alabama, Tennessee, Ohio, Kentucky and Michigan.  If you click on the link for the 127 Corridor website, then click on directions you'll be able to find out where the nearest jumping in point is. 
     A couple of tips for you yard sale enthusiasts:  Take a bag full of bags, many times the vendors run out early on so you are left to carry your items.  This really comes in handy if you need to wrap glassware as well. 
     If you have any type of cart with wheels, even an old suitcase you can use it as a shopping cart and or a place to stash your purchased breakables. At the very least you might want to take a backpack especially for the areas that you park and walk from vendor to vendor.
     Check out the towns if you find the traffic is backed up.  Most towns will have yard sales throughout the town, just about every street corner will have signs.
     If you are planning on making a  long weekend out of this check out some of the towns that will be holding festivals.  Many towns will have free entertainment and specialty foods along the way during the evening hours.  If you already have a route planned you can research which towns are holding festivals before you go.
     This weekend is suppose to be incredibly hot, so take a cooler with plenty of beverages and snacks, freeze some wet washcloths and freeze some water bottles before you go.  The water will melt to become ice water and if  you put your washcloths in baggies and put them in your cooler you can take them out as needed.  This is a great cooling down trick, very refreshing and energizing. 
     Have fun and be careful the traffic is usually crazy for both the drivers and the pedestrians.
     Check out the 127 Corridor website for maps, brochures, lodging, vendor information and other general information. 

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