In 1953 the lunchbox took a new direction with fully lithographed steel and included a matching thermos. The first of the lithographed lunchboxes featured Roy Rogers. From that point on every figure in pop culture history has been on a lunchbox. Pictured is a 1956 Tigger Lunchbox.
Vintage Lunchboxes are quite collectible, the older the better. A vintage metal lunchbox in excellent condition will bring top dollar. The metal has to have good color, limited scratches and no dents. The thermos has to be complete and the handle and latch has to be in good condition. About 6 years ago I sold an original Dukes of Hazzard Lunchbox for $100, today's market doesn't bring that kind of price, these old lunchboxes do tend to fluctuate in price and popularity.
If you come across one of these old lunchboxes be sure to look for a date, many of the early lunchboxes from the 50's and 60's are valuable, however, some of the 70's and 80's lunchboxes are now valuable as well.
Collecting lunchboxes is a hobby that has been around for years and it's probably one that will be around forever.